I'll be contributing to the development of a combat card for the official Call of Duty board game being produced by Arcane Wonders, releasing September 2024.
With this unique opportunity, I'll hopefully be able to showcase my talent and all of the years I've spent developing my own fictional military card games. I live and breath for this type of game design and being apart of a project exactly like this one, lights a fire for me.
I plan on not only designing the combat card but dozens of combat cards to choose from. I fully intend on designing COD operators, weapon boards, kill-streak cards, item cards, combat cards, and my take on a PVE raid expansion for the game. I also intend on creating a full world-building website with interactive rules and gameplay information.
There wasn't a doubt or a second thought about taking the opportunity Arcane Wonders presented and I'm beyond thankful they would extend that opportunity to designers like myself.
Now the mission at hand; to deliver world-class game design for all of you to enjoy.
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